Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Custard, Banana, Mustard, Yellow

It seems there is a problem in and around Staffordshire University. The evidence is right there, in the car parks of its Leek Road campus.

We have an epidemic of yellow cars. Today, there were at least five yellow cars parked up, and in a 20 minute walk to and from the supermarket last night, I saw eight. one of them, was a mini.
now, you might not have noticed. As a student, and a childish one at that, myself and some of my friends have started playing the 'yellow car/ mini' game, last seen in about 2005, and gleefully hitting one another when one of these vehicles appears. the minis have been dropped mostly because there are so damn many of them.

so, the reasons for this rash of yellow? are more cars available in the colour? is it just the student population, trying very hard to be different?
Or is it more sinister, is society becoming more cynical to the point where drivers enjoy driving around their little custard-coloured Fiat and watching 14-year-olds punch each other?

either that or it's an ultimately doomed attempt to brighten up the rougher parts of a city with serious problems.

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